Our code of quality

Quality Code

The mission of the Association of Language Schools of the Czech Republic is to improve foreign language teaching throughout the Czech Republic, to help develop its members’ activities and to enhance their professional prestige. The Association of Language Schools of the Czech Republic (hereafter the Association) is a professional association of schools recognising shared principles of quality described in this Code. The quality code thus represents the entry threshold, while at the same time stating a long-term professional commitment, which members have to fulfil to maintain their regular membership in the Association.

Members commit to the following requirements of quality service:


  • Members provide trustworthy information about their services on the web, and maintain an e-mail and a phone number for contact with the public, and regular times for communication with school representatives.
  • Members’ classrooms have to be adequately equipped for foreign language tuition.


Each member has a defined procedure ensuring tuition (methodology), which includes the students’ knowledge and progress evaluation, a specific course plan and the teaching methods that are applied.

  • Members are ready and willing to present their course facilities and administrative support, as well as their teaching methods, to existing and potential customers. Each member also ensures compliance between the customers’ requests for methodology and teaching methods with the teachers’ knowledge and skills.
  • Each member’s team includes a language methodology specialist responsible for the teaching methods.
  • Members will keep detailed course attendance records including the level of the course, the lesson, and the student. The attendance records also include the monitoring of the teaching content so that they can be used to measure performance of the course plan. The tuition is in compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for Languages when relevant.
  • Members test their students’ CEFR level before, during and at the end of the tuition, marking their entry and exit levels.
  • The teachers are familiar with this scale and they communicate it to their students.
  • The students have aims set with respect to CEFR.


  • Members will make sure that their teachers’ language skills are at least at the CEFR level C1 and that they receive adequate methodology training.
  • Members will provide their teachers with long-term guidance and adequate background for their further professional development.
  • Members will observe lessons and give the teachers feedback.


  • Members will regularly survey their clients’ satisfaction and react to their feedback.
  • Members give references upon request.

This document was approved by the general meeting on 23 January 2015.